Thank Em Promotions

Thank Em Promotions ‘Political campaign producs’

Custom Hand Fan No Handle

Looking for a hot item for summer season? Handle free hand fans puts your info, schedule or words in front of a captive audience. They’re both economical and fun! Printed in full-color on both sides and laminated for maximum durability. Great for summer concerts, festivals, parades and fundraisers. 7.375″ x 7.75″. Min 100. Item 27300L.

Order your hand fans today. Item shown 27300L

Order today! 877-351.2627

Imprinted Hand fans make an cool impression

Full color on two sides, laminated with an 8 inch wooden stick affixed to the back, hand fans make a great handout for summertime, festivals, parades, sporting events, political gatherings, concerts and more. Custom imprinted both sides. Available in round, rectangle, heart square, stop sign, palm leaf, house, guitar or helmet shaped, these make a cool statement and offer a great opportunity to get your information in front of a captive audience.  Great for getting the word out. No set up charge for full color on both sides. Min 100 at 2.94 ea, 250 2.10 ea, 500 1.84 ea, 1000 1.47 ea, 2500 1.37 ea, 5K 1.16 ea.  No set up.

Hand fan, 2 sided full color great hand out #2700 with wooden handle

Give something cool, hand fan lots of shapes, full color 2 sides #2700L, guitar shape # 2711L

Hand Fan - 6.5x8 Laminated Guitar Shape

Order today!     877-351-2627

Mood Stadium Cups

12 oz or 17 oz, these fun items promote your brand. These cups change color when a cold beverage is added. Available in colored or frosted and 2 sizes. 12 oz colors: blue to purple, yellow to green, frost to blue, or pink to purple. 17 oz has the above colors and frost to red, frost to pink, frost to purple, frost to orange, orange to tropical red or yellow to green. Item B71112 or B71117.

Item B71112 12 oz.

Order today 877-351-2627

Hand Fan

Need 1 color hand fans? These mini walking billboards are affordable, min is 500 for these 1 color imprint. Great for political campaigns and parades. Many shapes available.

Stock shapes available: Guitar, Violin, Cloud, Rectangle, Bear, Pumpkin, Apple, Thumbs Up, Hand, Bell, Slice, Oval, Palm Leaf, Cowboy Hat, House, Stop Sign, Helmet, Tooth, Flag, Elephant, Donkey, Hourglass, Round, Diamond, Square, Light Bulb, Hot Air Balloon, Phone, Number One, Triangle, Church, Heart, Truck, Texas, Paw, Awareness Ribbon. Ask about custom shapes.

8 x 8″ with a wooden stick (side 2 is blank) and side 2 can be imprinted for add’l charge.500 at 58 cents ea, 1000 at 45 cents ea, 5000 40 cents ea. Set up is 32.00. 2nd side imprint is 18 cents ea for 500, 10 cents ea for 1000, 8 cents ea for 5000. 18pt White board stock with UV coating. Item number HF3300. If you want full color fans, check out this item:

Hand fan imprinted HF3300

Give a cool hand out for your next event, parade or gathering. Hand fans imprinted on one side with your logo or info HF3300. 


Order today!    877-351-2627


Football schedule magnets

Want a quick handout to get your business or service noticed by sports fans? Add your business card you have an instant imprinted gift item for trade shows and sales meetings, political campaigns or sales prospecting. Just peel off the protective liner and press your business card onto the exposed adhesive for an instant imprinted specialty item. All pro teams available and  3 local college teams. Great to hand out as a political piece as you visit homes or as you walk in community parades. Some bigger areas have multiple college team choices so be sure to ask for those if interested. Min. is 100, sold in increments of 100. 100 or 200 50 cents ea, 300 or more 40 cents ea. #470133. Email or call us for shipping estimate to get them to your zip code. Great item to share with multiple sales people in an office or team.

470133 football schedules

Order today!   877-351-2627


Doing a parade, tradeshow or school event? Yardsticks are great for political campaigns, parades, schools, tradeshows, real estate and more. Your logo or slogan BOLD and PROMINENT on both sides with English scale in black. On sale until Aug 28, 250 or more are 54 cents ea. 37.50 set up. Imprint colors: Black, red, blue, light blue, dark green, light green, purple, teal, or maroon. Imprint size is 35″ x 1/2″. Item 351.

Yardstick with logo item 351

Yardstick imprinted with logo great for parades, political campaigns, realtors, schools and tradeshows. Item 351

Order by Aug 28 to get sale price.   877-351-2627

Affordable Alternative to Plastic Bags

Help reduce plastic bag use with a re-useable alternative that won’t cost you a fortune.  Have customers walk around with your logo on re-usable shopping totes. Available in Black , Blue , Lime Green , Red , White.  Imprint area is 7″ w x 8″ h, any imprint color (no white imprint). 250 99 cents ea, 500 94 cents ea, 1000 89 cents ea, 2500 84 cents ea,  and 5000 79 cents ea. 50.00 set up per imprint color.

Re-usable alternative to Plastic Shopping totes B200

#B200   Re-usable alternative to Plastic Shopping totes

Order yours today!      877-351-2627

Halloween treat bags with logo

Why not have your name or logo seen time and again this Halloween season? These bags with stock Halloween print stating, “Happy Halloween”, this ghoulish bag is made of yellow 2.5 mil low density film plastic.These bags feature a fold-over, reinforced die cut handle and each bag comes with Halloween safety tips with a multi-color design. Your logo in black on the back side. Great for community organizations and public safety awareness! Even good for political campaigns. Imprint area is 6 x 6″. Min 250 at 42 cents ea, 500 at 38 cents ea, 1000 36 cents ea with a 25.00 set up. No repeat set up on re-orders withing 24 months.  2 designs. Item #’s 13YP1215WJ4 or 13Y1215WJ4.

13YP1215 Halloween trick or treat bag

Halloween treat bag 12 x 15 inches. Your imprint on the front in black 13YP1215WJ4

halloween bag

Halloween treat bag 12 x 15 inches. Your imprint on the back side in black 13Y1215WJ4

Order today, Halloween will be here soon.  877-351-2627

Hand Fan (50 stock shapes)

Need a cool idea for parade season? 50 stock shapes including heart, circle, donkey, elephant, house, palette, guitar, paw, helmet, cowboy hat, barn and more. The 8″ x 8″ hand fans are printed on 15 point coated board stock. A basswood handle is attached with adhesive to the back of the fan and it also comes with . Prices include the first printing plate and printing one color on white. For multi-color imprints add 1 plate charge of $25.00(v) per additional color, for full color (four color process) add 3 plate charges of $25.00(v) each. For Second Side Copy add $25.00(v). No plate charges on exact reorders. 1 side 1 color imprint, 500 fan price is 30 cents ea on special through Aug. 20, 2015. 250 min with 1 color imprint 57.5 cents ea. Full color 1 side 55 cents ea. at 250 min and 25.00 set up. Full color both sides, 250 min is 70 cents ea with $25 set up.  

Hand fans in 50 stock shapes

50 stock shapes of hand fans. On special for one color one side. Min 500 no set up.

Heart hand fans one of 50 stock shapes available

Heart shape fan one of 50 stock shapes available. Min is 250. Hear shape item BL-7905

Order today!     877-351-2627

Inkjoy Retractable Pen

Want a popular pen to hand out with your logo or contact information? We sell the Inkjoy retractable pen with your logo or information to hand out at events, customer appreciation, golf tournaments and more. The Inkjoy retractable pen comes in 9 colors that can write the same color ink as the pen or black ink. The Inkjoy combines the best qualities of ballpoint & gel technologies to deliver effortless, colorful writing. The imprint area is 1-5/8″ x 9/16″. Suggested imprint color is silver. Min. 300 at 460 cents ea, 500 at 42 cents, 1000+ 39 cents ea. Free set up. Pen colors: black, blue, red, purple, green, turquoise, lime, orange, brown, or choose assorted with same imprint color on all pens. Additional imprint color add 8 cents per pen..


Inkjoy pen comes in 9 colors, each pen has matching grip and ink inside or can do black ink refill in any color. InkjoyRT300

Order today!    877-351-2627

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