Thank Em Promotions

Give Food Gifts, Something That Can be Shared

Do you give holiday business or executive gifts?  61% of gift buyers say that food gifts are their favorite holiday gift to give and no telling how many recipients know it’s their favorite gift to receive.  Imagine the members of an office or team as they unpack your delicious gift pack or basket.  Filled with fresh nuts, creamy candy, crunchy almond toffee, tasty chocolate covered almonds, your gift is one that will be remembered.  The container or ribbon can be imprinted with your logo, making it even more memorable.  We have beautiful cutting boards

Food Tower Gift only one of many choices available

Food Tower Gift only one of many choices available

 with our smoked turkey, hams, and cheeses which can be embossed with your logo. Save time and money as your gifts can be shipped to individual addresses or all to you to distribute as you choose.  You choose the fill, you choose the container it’s delivered in from out vast choice of containers from cutting boards to baskets, wooden vehicles or colorful boxes.  Low minimums, high quality. Why purchase from a big box store when you can have your items shipped directly to the recipients.  Place your order by Oct 30th and save 15%, or by Nov 6 and save 10%.  Don’t delay, order today!

“If you’re planning a holiday food gift program this year, be certain to talk to us first.  We can provide you with a delicious, turn-key program that will make your life easier, your recipients happier, and generate goodwill long after the gifts have been enjoyed.”   More information 1-877-351-2627

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