Looking for something natural and organic to hand out at your next event or tradeshow? Natural and organic lip balms keep lips soft and moist. Choices with beeswax and even one with broad spectrum which meet the new FDA regulations for skin care items. Not only they will appreciate you keeping them safe!
Comes in your choice of flavor and cap color: beeswax white cap, bubblegum white cap, cherry white or red cap, citrus white or orange cap, coconut white cap, grape purple cap, iced pear white or dark green cap, lemonade, yellow cap, peppermint white or blue cap, pomegranate white cap, raspberry white or red cap, spearmin, white, black, green caps, strawberry pink cap, tropical white cap, vanilla mint white cap, vanilla white cap or wildberry. All 15 SPF. #F1401
250 1.10 ea, 500 1.05 ea, 1000 1.00 ea, 2500 95 cents ea, 5000 90 cents ea. 50.00 set up. Imprint area is 1.75″ x 1.10″ and full color.
Order today! 877-351-2627 info@thankem.com