Thank Em Promotions

Posts Tagged ‘auto shade’

Car Sun Shades

Is it hot where you are?  Tired of burning your hands when you get in your car?  So are those around you.  From working as part of several political campaigns over the past few elections, these came to mind.  Great for school or community fundraisers as well. Fold-up car or truck sunshades with your message imprinted on them. 27″ x 56″.

Car Sun Shades...Affordable option to get your message out in a big way
Car Sun Shades…Affordable option to get your message out in a big way #CSS

Anywhere you park becomes a place where you can get your message out.  Great for political campaigns!  You can park in a lot or at a corner where traffic goes by, and voila, people passing by see your message.  No one can take your sign down or tell you you can’t put a sign up if you can legally park there, your message can be posted.  Easy to open and fold down. Also great for school or booster club fundraisers and more. 16″ diameter imprint area on each side of front. Where can you get a big impact for 7.75 ea with a minimum of only 50 pieces.   7.50 ea for 100 or more through Dec 20, 2013.  Also make great fundraisers for schools, churches and community groups. 50.00 set up.  Contact for more information or for other ideas or items.  (10.00 ea at 25-49 sunshades). 

Order today!        877-351-2627

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