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Posts Tagged ‘imprinted spray hand sanitizer’

Hand Sanitizer in flu season

Listening to the news can be scary these days.  Flu stories abound.  Besides going on a media diet and banning news stories and newspapers from your life, you can get proactive.  Get a flu shot, wash your hands, sneeze into your elbow.  What can a business do?  Encourage good hygiene and have hand sanitizer on hand.  Hand sanitizer with your logo or name on it can be a welcome item at a tradeshow, business meeting or event.  Why not have your name and information on an item people are using in record numbers?  What else can you give that people will use right now, carry with them, look at and touch throughout the day?  Spray on, clip on, wipe on, rub on.  Lots of application choices and price points.

Order yours today!  877-351-2627

8 ml. All natural pocket spray sanitizer.

8 ml. All natural pocket spray sanitizer.

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